Wednesday, July 31, 2019


â€Å"When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways-either by losing hope and falling into self destructive habits or by using the challenge to find our inner strengths†- Dali Lama. I have witnessed and encountered many tragedies in my life and are going share the trials and tribulations that I have endured and how life has made me a stronger Individual today.The point of this story Is not to upset those who have witness tragedies as well or frustrate those who are going through something UT to show that anyone can come out stronger through tragedies they've witnessed, instead of faltering into a distressful state of mind. My story begins at just the age of 8, we Just had moved to a South Texas town, Counted, this town had about 2,000 to 3,000 people residing in It. My parents had decided this was the perfect place to raise me and my brother who Is two years older than me.I TLD understand much then, but from what I can remember the only problems I had was what fl avor of Ice cream I wanted when my father took me to the ice cream shop and which Disney Handel show was on. But then, as I thought things were Just fine, On one summer night I heard noises in my parents' bedroom and I overheard my favorite hero crying in the bedroom and saying he needed to tell us something terrible had happened. As he sat me down on his lap and told me that grandfather had passed away. My grandfather had been diagnosed with lung cancer shortly after he came from India to America too visit us.My father had to take him back to India when they found out he diagnosed. I sat there not understanding what had happened and hearing my ere in tears for the first time. It was one of first of many forms of tragedy I have had to witness as I thought nothing could shake my father but at this moment I realized I was wrong and got scared, this moment had changed my whole perspective on anything can happen at any moment. But what really stood out to me was my father's ability to g o through the tough times and soul be strong for everyone else. This tragedy I witnessed taught me how to be strong and not to take things or people for granted.I was able to be an emotional support for my parents. Tragedies can come n several deferent ways in different parts of our lives. In relation to this I witnessed my father face his second tragedy in life, his pride and Joy was his business but, in 2001 when the markets slowed, the hotel my father owned, which was about a 12 room property, slowed down to a point where he could not afford to keep it open anymore. We had days we TLD have electricity, and It got so bad that my dad to give up his car too. After about two years of hoping it would regain business, it lead us to a disappointment.My dad had given up, had to give the hotel up to the bank. This was something that he had to face head-on and decided to go back to work again. Though his pride and Joy were lost, he developed a sense of motivation which would bring him back to one day owning a business again. I didn't really understand the direct impact on my life. This is an example of a tragedy that I witnessed and was able to learn that though you might fall, you always have to get back up stronger and even more motivated then you were before. Later at the age of 14, I witnessed prejudice towards my mother because of her disability.My mother was diagnosed severe bipolar disorder along with chronic schizophrenia. She had unpredictable days of outburst of anger, frustration, along violent actions. But she had days when she would be completely normal. As a family we felt completely helpless at times. Most of my mom's side of the family were not there to support us and ignored the situation. In the community that my parents and I lived, primarily Indo-Asian, did not accept people with disabilities, and were often times excluded in events, gatherings and have caused them to lose their Jobs.Being witness to this type of scenario and the idea that we as a society think time has improved our â€Å"backwards way of thinking† has caused me to rethink how far we have actually come and how far we still need to go. As a observer, I was in disbelief that people be the way they were to my mother who has one of the most open minded and honest soul. Some of the verbal language that was thrown at her as I heard as a child left me with a bitter taste and sometimes vivid scenes from the past. The taunts such as â€Å"she's crazy' and â€Å"she needs to be sent to a mental hospitals.Tragedies can not only effect the primary individual but the individuals around them, as I was an example in this case being Judged as my mom. I now am able to voice to injustice for my mom. I have been able to help provide my mom and much more acceptable environment and give her that happiness she deserves. Her condition has given me the motivation to show people that despite her health she was able to raise a responsible daughter. Misfortunes that have been overcome can be described as triumphs.A primary example of this can be said about my father going through his fife with a several different tragedies, but following every tragedy, he has made it to overcome those and created triumphs. For example, after he lost his business he had to start from the bottom of the hotel industry. As I witnessed him move from one Job to another I saw him learn from every opportunity he had and then carried that up the ladder. Triumphs can be created through small or big steps following tragedies. Being a witness to tragedies can really set yourself up to realize that you have them in your own life too and those triumphs keeps you going.In my life I have seen my ether go through many obstacles that were tragedies too me. Being a witness to huge life events of the closest people in your life can lead to many lessons and those lessons can teach you how to work through your own tragedies. In conclusion I have witness many tragedies and I have also witness many triumphs, The examples I have given above about my grandfather passing away, about my father losing his business and having to get through the problems of prejudice with my mom and the community we lived in, shows that tragedies can be overcome despite the obstacles.I eave witnessed many triumphs watching my father having his through the hotel industry, in his career and his personal life. Every step he took to get to the triumph was another step forward . Let's all about having building blocks and overcoming obstacles to get there. Being a witness to these, personally, has made me a stronger, thriving and motivated individual. It's all about learning through other people's problems or learn how to deal with them when I have my own. Today, I have built my foundation from overcoming these problems, and has made me understanding and a responsible person.

Couse Outlie

Assumption University Martin de Tours School of Management Department of Management SYLLABUS SEMESTER 2/2011 Martin de Tours School of Management’s Vision To be the leading international business school in the ASEAN region providing high quality business education to enable graduates to make invaluable contributions to organizations and society. Martin de Tours School of Management’s Mission To shape our students into independent-minded graduates who are well-versed in business, able to communicate effectively, tech savvy, innovative, and ethical to successfully face global challenges.COURSE TITLE MGT3907 Business Communication Summer semester – MGT3907 is offered only in the evening program, NOT in the day program. BG2001 English IV A. Mingmada ([email  protected] com) Course Coordinator PRE-REQUISITES LECTURERS Day Program Evening Program OFFICE & CONTACT COURSE DESCRIPTION A. Tipnuch ([email  protected] edu ) A. Vrinporn ([email  protected] com) A. Polth ep ( p. [email  protected] com) A. Dilaka ( [email  protected] om) th MSM 4 Floor Development of written, oral, technical, and interpersonal skills for effective communication in the business world with emphasis on well-written business documents for diverse purposes; understanding of group and cross-cultural communication determinants for individual or organizational success; effective visual and oral presentation; and essential competence in some communication technologies widely used in business today. MGT3907 Course Outline – Page 1 of 11 Upon completion of MGT3907, the student should have 1. . Theoretical and applied knowledge of the purposes, formats, patterns, and media of modern business communication; 1. 2. The ability to compose business memos and letters for informative, positive, negative, and persuasive messages; 1. 3. Preparation for job interviews and searches; 1. 4. The ability to plan, research, compose, and present a short report; 1. 5. Skill in the tech nology currently used in business communication, including word processing and presentation software, e-mail, and the Internet; 1. 6.The ability to identify potential barriers to communication and apply techniques to overcome them; 1. 7. Appreciation of the value of diversity in meeting communication objectives; 1. 8. The ability to write effective formal and informal business documents of various kinds throughout a business career; 1. 9. An awareness of the importance of using correct grammar and punctuation in business writing. †¢ REQUIRED TEXT †¢ †¢ †¢ CLASS ATTENDANCE Locker, Kitty O. , and Donna S. Kienzler. Business and Administrative Communication. 9th ed. New York: McGrawHill/Irwin, 2010. http://lms2. u. edu 6 absents maximum (including both discussion and lecture classes) A student absent 7 or more times including lates, will not be allowed to take the final exam, according to University policy and the regulation of the Thailand Commission on Higher Educ ation. Here is the official policy: COURSE OBJECTIVES MARK ALLOCATION: Assignment/ Class work/Participation Quiz Proposal, presentation, short report Midterm examination Final examination TOTAL Penalty Marks 1. No submission to Report Copying Check 2. Presentation Quality Survey 10 5 15 20 50 100% Marks -50 -20Penalty marks will be subtracted from your total Assignments marks until that total reaches zero. EXAMINATION SCHEDULE: is not given here as it may change after this Course Outline is distributed. Students must check with Registration or look it up online with AuNet. MGT3907 Course Outline – Page 2 of 11 CLASS RULES Cheating Policy If any students or a group of students will be caught copying, partial/entire project or hire outside or inside person to do their works, the faculty consider such act as a serious matter which will automatically result in ‘F’ grade for an entire group.Changing section Students are neither allowed to study in other section they h ave not enrolled for, nor do the project with their friends in other sections. The lecturer does not have any authority to allow his/her students to switch section without proper authorization from the registrar. Dress code regulations for class: Wear proper attire Students wearing the following items will not be allowed to check their class attendance: †¢ Trousers and skirts made of jeans, corduroy, or velvet materials, or made in â€Å"jeans design. † †¢ Shirts / blouses in which the edges are not tucked inside trousers or skirts. Slippers. OTHER MATTERS Website (will be announced in class) LMS is our class website with †¢ PowerPoint and handout downloads, †¢ Announcements, etc. Email procedures 1. Email address – Each student must provide a valid, reliable email address to the lecturer and must check it daily for messages related to the course. 2. Email attachments should not be sent to the lecturer unless by the lecturer’s special request . Normally lecturers do not have time to save, scan for viruses, and open attachments, so email containing attachments will be rejected or discarded.Emailed assignments should be pasted into the body text of the email message. 3. Email subject header – Email to the course lecturer should always use the following email subject header format: Student ID#, Section #, Subject; for example, â€Å"4514444, 432, Assignment #1 [or Short Report, or Question about . . . , etc. ]. † Wrong: I. D. 4514444, [start with the number] Wrong: Assignment 1, 451444 [start with the number] Wrong: Somchai, 451444 [start with the number] Wrong: u4514444, [no ‘u’; check your ID card] Wrong: 451-4444, [no yphen; check your ID card] Wrong: 4514444, sec 444, [no â€Å"sec† or â€Å"section†] Right: 4514444, 432, Assignment #1 [or whatever] Copying an assignment from someone else and presenting it as one’s own is strictly forbidden. Neither the copied assignment n or the original will be accepted and neither can be revised. Unless instructed otherwise, always assume that assignments are individual, not group. Students should be very careful about showing their work to â€Å"friends†. MGT3907 Course Outline – Page 3 of 11Disturbing the class by socializing with classmates, making noise, or talking on a mobile phone while the lecturer is speaking will invite penalties such as being counted late or absent, being ejected from the classroom, having ID cards confiscated, or having marks subtracted from the final grade average. Students who do wish to learn must have the opportunity to do so to their best ability in an atmosphere conducive to learning. Late exam – The Coordinator of MGT3907 must be officially notified by the Department of Management in advance of the need for a late exam for any student.A student needing a late exam must first submit a petition with evidence at Registration. Later, if a late exam is approved by a committee, Registration will notify the student. The student should then check with the MGT3907 Coordinator to be sure that the Coordinator has also been officially notified by the Department of Management. Mobile phones must be turned off before their owners enter the classroom, and they must remain off and put away for the duration of the class—except during toilet visits, when they must be given to the lecturer.A lecturer’s mobile phone may remain on, however, for possible University business. A student caught using a mobile phone during class time will be, at minimum, counted late but may be counted absent with ID card confiscation. Plagiarism (copying the words or ideas of another writer without giving credit to the other writer) is forbidden and will be penalized severely. Preparation must be done before every class, which means reading over the relevant section of the textbook to be discussed and doing any assigned homework.Presentation Quality Survey – Discussion lecturers will assign you, or your group, to evaluate the short report presentations by the members of another group. The survey form is attached to the last page of this Course Outline Report copying check – the short report, due towards the end of the semester, will be submitted to your discussion teacher, but also must be emailed to [email  protected] com. Dress code regulations for examination: Wear full uniform Students are obligated to wear the University’s full uniform as stipulated in the University’s dress code regulations to take examinations.Failure to comply with the regulation will result in students not being allowed to appear for examinations, and subsequently, the student receiving â€Å"0† marks for the examination. To be eligible to appear for exams, students are required to wear full uniform: †¢ Male students must wear black/dark blue trousers, white button/collared shirt, black shoes, University neck-tie and belt buc kle. †¢ Female students must wear black/dark blue skirt, white button/collared shirt, clack shoes, and University buttons, pin, and belt buckle.Note: The students will not be admitted to the final exam later than 10 minutes after the exam starts. MGT3907 Course Outline – Page 4 of 11 COURSE CONTENTS AND TENTATIVE SCHEDULE MGT3907 COURSE SCHEDULE WEEK 1 (for week dates, see calendar following the schedule) LECTURE CLASS DISCUSSION CLASS Introduction to MGT3907, course outline, and resources, notably MGT3907 – LMS website http://lms2. au. edu Chapter 1: Succeeding in Business Communication Appendix A: Formats for Letters, Memos, and E-Mail Messages. Homework: Download hyperlinked Course Outline . df file AND the Powerpoints and handout package from LMS Each lecturer may omit, select, add, or modify the classwork or homework assignments as needed, for example, to discourage copying. The lecturer will specify how to submit each assignment, by paper or by email. If by email, students must follow the correct email procedure to receive credit. †¢ Self-introduction by Icebreaker methods. †¢ Break up into groups, discussion topic assigned. †¢ Discussion to share ideas. †¢ Assignment: write a memo individually based on group discussion and submit to the instructor In-class. Homework: Exercise 1. 10 Topics †¢ Kinds of audiences, needs, attitudes †¢ Group analysis of a particular audience †¢ Adapting messages for audiences 2 Chapter 2: Adapting Your Message to Your Audience. Appendix A: letter, memo, and email formats. Homework: Adding students: do homework from Week 1. 3 Chapter 5: Communicating Across Cultures. Homework: Adding students: do homework from Weeks 1 – 2. †¢ Discussion: â€Å"How Does Culture Affect Business Communication? † †¢ Discussion: Exercise 5. 2 – Identifying Sources of Miscommunication (group work) †¢ Homework: Exercise 5. 2 or 5. 8MGT3907 Course Outline â€⠀œ Page 5 of 11 4 Chapter 3: Building Goodwill Homework: Adding students: do homework from Weeks 1 – 2. Chapter 7: Planning, Composing, and Revising. Appendix B: Writing Correctly. †¢ Discussion: â€Å"Putting Yourself in the Other Person’s Shoes† †¢ Assignment/Homework: Exercise 3. 4 or 3. 13 Improving readability †¢ Connotation vs. denotation †¢ Active vs. passive †¢ Strong verbs †¢ Parallel structure †¢ Activity – work in groups on exercise 7. 11, 7. 15 The composing process †¢ Planning †¢ Writing †¢ Revising †¢ Editing †¢ Proofreading †¢ Activity – Exercise 7. 3 5 6Chapter 14: Informative and Positive Messages. Midterm Exam prep and resources The Midterm Exam covers through Week 7: Chapters 1, 2, 5, 3, 7, 14, 15 7 Homework: review Midterm Exam description in the Handouts Package. Chapter 15: Negative Messages †¢ Discussion of informative and positive messages. †¢ Checkli st for informative and positive messages, p. 419 †¢ Activity – using checklist to evaluate emails in Exercise 14. 4 †¢ Homework: Exercise 14. 8 or 14. 10 as lecturer directs. 8 Chapter 17: Planning and Researching Reports. Chapter 18: Writing Proposals and Progress Reports Overview of short report Checklist for Negative Messages, p. 456 †¢ Role Play on â€Å"Giving Bad News to Peers and Subordinates† †¢ Assignment: Exercise 15. 3 – Letters for Discussion – Credit Refusal (work in group, write up and discuss) †¢ Specifics of short report assignment: proposal, report, presentation †¢ Discussion: Exercise 17. 9, Evaluating Survey Questions MGT3907 Course Outline – Page 6 of 11 assignment. Homework: Locate and review documents for the short report assignment in the handouts package. Chapter 16: Crafting Persuasive Messages †¢ Homework: A proposal for your short report 10 Chapter 6: Working and Writing in Teams. 11 Cha pter 8: Designing Documents Chapter 9: Creating Visuals and Data Displays 12 Chapter 10: Making Oral Presentations. Powerpoints. †¢ Checklist for Direct Requests, p. 506 †¢ Checklist for ProblemSolving Persuasive Messages, p. 508 Assignment: Exercise 16. 6 – Choosing a Persuasive Approach †¢ Listening skills, roles in groups, decision-making, successful groups and meetings †¢ Discussion: short report proposals †¢ Discussion/homework: Exercise 6. 10 or 6. 15 †¢ Homework: begin working on short report. Importance, levels, guidelines, of document design †¢ Visuals, brochures, web pages †¢ Discussion: Exercise 9. 6 Interpreting Data (Choose one data set only. ) †¢ Homework: Continue work on short report. †¢ Planning effective presentations †¢ Selecting and organizing information †¢ Delivering effective presentations †¢ Handling questions during presentations †¢ Activity: Exercise 10. 2 Analyzing Openers And Clo sers †¢ Homework: Continue work on short report; some groups prepare to submit and present. †¢ Homework: Bring MGT3907 Course Outline – Page 7 of 11 Presentation Quality Survey form to next class. 3 Chapter 11: Building Resumes Chapter 12: Writing Job Application Letters Homework: 1. Presentation Quality Survey 2. Submission of report to Report Copying Check (follow procedures) [email  protected] com All submissions for the Survey and Report Copying must be received by the final exam date. Penalty marks apply to 1 and 2. Class presentations †¢ Activity: Presentation Quality Survey †¢ Homework due: Final short report due with 5minute oral presentation †¢ Homework: Submit report to Report Copying Check; Don’t forget ALL the ID numbers! No attachments. Homework: Bring Presentation Quality Survey form to next class. 14 Chapter 13: Interviewing For A Job. Chapter 4: Navigating The Business Communication Environment Class presentations †¢ Acti vity: Presentation Quality Survey †¢ Homework due: Final short report due with 5minute oral presentation The Final Exam is cumulative but mainly covers Weeks 8-15: Chapters 17, 18, 16, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 4 Homework: 3. Presentation Quality Survey 4. Submission of report to Report Copying Check (follow procedures) All submissions for the Survey and Report Copying must be received by the final exam date.MGT3907 Course Outline – Page 8 of 11 Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Start 25 Oct 31 Oct 7 Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 28 Nov 5 Dec 12 Dec 19 Dec 16 Jan 23 Jan 30 Jan 6 Feb 13 Feb End 28 Oct 4 Nov 11 Nov 18 Nov 25 Nov 2 Dec 9 Dec 16 Dec 23 Dec 20 Jan 27 Jan 3 Feb 10 Feb 17 Feb Inclusive 25-28 Oct 30 Oct-4 Nov 7-11 Nov 14-18 Nov 21-25 Nov 28 Nov-2 Dec 5-9 Dec 12-16 Dec 19-23 Dec 16-20 Jan 23-27 Jan 30 Jan-3 Feb 6-10 Feb 13-17 FebMGT3907 Course Outline – Page 9 of 11 MGT3907 Presentation Quality S urvey My ID: Presenter Group Number: Sec: Title of Presentation: Scale E x c e Item ll e n t 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2. 4. 2. 4. 6. 8. 2. 4. 2. 4. 2. 4. 2. 4. Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Scale E x c e l l e n t 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5Group: Date: For each item, circle the number to the right to evaluate its quality according to the criteria below. Student IDs Item P o Good o r P o Good o r ID: Comment: ID: Comment: ID: 1. 3. 1. 3. 5. 7. 1. 3. 1. 3. 1. 3. 1. 3. Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Comment: ID: Comment: ID: Comment: ID: Comment: ID: Comment: Criteria 1. Visuals – Quality of photos, tables, charts, clip art, video, Powerpoint backgrounds, animations, colors, design. 2. Opening/closing – attempted to interest audience; communicated purpose of presentation; gave a meaningful or interesting conclusion that showed analysis, recommendation, or suggestion for future. 3.Interest – made presentation interesting in whatever way. 4. Speaking skills – Used smiling, gestures, eye contact; seemed confident; did not read but only sometimes referred to notes or Powerpoint; voice was clear and loud enough; did not often look away from audience; did not hold onto unnecessary paper, pen, or other prop for security; dressed appropriately; did not fidget with hands and feet or otherwise distract audience from message of presentation. MGT3907 Course Outline – Page 10 of 11

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Indian Apparel Market Research Report

Indian Apparel Market Research Report By MD. FAISAL BBA (Studying) Major in International Business University of Dhaka Bangladesh E-mail: faisal. [email  protected] om The Indian apparel industry has a vast existence in the economic life of the country. It plays a critical role in the economic development of the country with its contribution to industrial output, export earnings of the country and the generation of employment. The Indian apparel industry has seen remarkable changes in the past few years and it is also one of the India's largest foreign exchange earners. Embroidery being the traditional art form of the country has contributed hugely for apparel industry. Indian embroidery market stands out as being extraordinary in the international markets. The Indian Market The Indian consumer is evolving and driving retail growth in India and companies in the fashion industry are reacting to this evolution through myriad options. The fashion market in India is witnessing strong growth owing to a young population, an increase in disposable incomes, which is leading to increase in consumption and thus the rapid growth in organized retail. Private consumption growth contributes to more than half of the GDP growth and is growing in double digit figures. Several businesses are reacting to this evolution positively, both through pull and push phenomenon. Apparel today has the largest share of the modern organised retail in India i. e. 20% of the current market of Rs. 56,000 crore and this is expected to grow at a constant rate of 20% over the next 4 years. Bilateral Co-operation in this sector shows great synergies. An Indo Italia Task Force on Fashion Design and life Style products has been created following an agreement between the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Italian Ministry of International Trade. On the Indian side members include FICCI – Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry , NID – National Institure of Design while on the Italian side there is Confindustria, Altagamma, Universita’ Bocconi, ICE. With India being the second fastest growing major economy in the world, fashion industry is pushing itself to keep pace with the retail evolution witnessed in India. Facts and Figures The global textiles and apparel trade estimated at US$ 450 billion and expected to touch US$ 700 billion by 2010 with demand for textiles and apparels expected to grow to 25 per cent from current figures where Asia will contribute 85 per cent. Clothing, textile and fashion accessories form 39 per cent of the Rs 55,000 crore organized retailing in India. The Italian designer Giorgio Armani's company has signed a joint venture with India's most valuable real estate firm, DLF. Giorgio Armani Holding, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Italian company, will take 51 percent in the venture, the maximum allowed for a single-brand foreign retailer in India. Armani will bring 10 million rupees ($250,000) to the venture, which would also act as a wholesaling firm supplying Armani-branded products to other independent retailers. The first Armani stores would be set up in New Delhi. Reliance Brands, a subsidiary of Reliance Retail, has entered into a 49:51 joint venture with Italian fashion house, Sixty Group, to retail its brands in India. DLF has tied up with Armani ,Dolce & Gabbana Raymond, the Gautam Singhania owned ‘house of complete men,’ has joined hands, in a Rs. 50 crore, 50:50 joint venture, with the Italian fashion major Grotto Spa bringing in premium â€Å"GAS† brand apparel in India. Other Italian Brands in India are Gruppo Cadini, Gucci, Ermenegildo Zegna, Corneliani,Canali, Brioni, and Pal Zileri India’s asset base for this sector – Numerous qualified and semi-qualified manpower which is skilled and low on cost of Long drawn tradition of having produced high quality textiles for decades. Apparel Market Consumer spending on apparel in India has grown over the last five years, touching the global benchmark of 5 per cent of the total income During the three years 2004-05 to 2006-07, investments in the textile sector has increased from US$ 2. 94 billion to US$ 7. 85 billion. In 2007, men's apparel industry was mainly dominated by shirts (in value terms) accounting for 36. 5% of total men's segment. India's textiles and apparels industry is estimated to be worth US$49 billion where 39 per cent is accounted by the exports market. Currently India has a 3. -4 per cent share in world export of textiles and 3 per cent in clothing exports. Europe continues to be India's major export market with 22 per cent share in textiles and 43 per cent in apparel; the US is the single largest buyer of Indian textiles and apparel with 19 per cent and 32. 6 per cent share respectively. Readymade garments (RMG) are the largest export segment, accounting for 45 per cent of total textile exports and 8. 2 per cent of India's total exports. Future The demand for ready-made garments in rural India will surge at an annual rate of 16. 50% to reach Rs. 42,918 Crore or US$10. 1 billion by 2010. Men's apparel industry will increase at a CAGR of 14. 86% during the two-year period from 2008 to 2010. Women apparel market (in value terms) is anticipated to grow at an annual averaged growth rate of 17. 79% till 2010. The organized apparel retailing in India is projected to surge at an annual averaged growth rate of 30% from 2008 to reach Rs. 52,289 Crore in 2010. Increasing at a CAGR of 24%, branded apparel industry for men will cross Rs. 25,000 Crore by 2010. n Increasing at an annual averaged growth rate of 25%, branded apparel industry for women is expected to hit Rs. 8,351 Crore by 2010. Readymade garments exports from India are expected to touch US$ 14. 5 billion by 2009-10 with a cumulative annual growth of 18 to 20 per cent, according to Apparel Export Promotion Council. Versace pret-e-porte is another Italian fashion house at the lower end of the fashion pyramid that is in the final stages of tying up with Reliance Brands to bring its products to India. Gas eyes US$49. 82m sales by 2011. The company will invest Rs500m till 2010 on its retail expansion, marketing and brand building in India. Gas may do local production outsourcing for sub-Rs1,000 range. Shoppers' Stop is planning to enter the luxury retail segment with large format retail stores which will house products from many of well-known luxury brands, including Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Zegna, Hugo Boss, YSL, Mont Blanc and Christian Dior. The company plans to invest Rs. 100 crore in this model in the first year itself. The organized lingerie retail market in India is expected to touch Rs 4,000 Crore mark by 2009. IT revenue from the retail segment is forecasted to grow at an annual averaged growth rate of 43. 41% by 2010. The Indian fashion industry is expected to rise at a stupendous pace of 22. 7% through 2012. Government Initiatives 100 per cent FDI allowed through the automatic route. Currently, 100 per cent foreign direct investment is allowed in wholesale trade, but only 51 per cent in single brand outlets. De-reservation of readymade garments, hosiery and knitwear from the SSI sector. Technology Mission on Cotton has been launched to make available quality raw material a t competitive prices. Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) has been launched to facilitate the modernisation and up gradation of the textiles industry. Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) has been started to provide world class infrastructure facilities for setting up their textile units through the Public Private Partnership model. The Apparel International Mart, in Gurgaon, will provide world class facility to apparel exporters to showcase their products and to serve as a one-stop-shop for reputed international buyers. The Indian Textile Plaza is being built, in Ahmedabad, to encourage exports to overseas markets. 50 textile parks are being established to enhance manufacturing capacity and ncrease the industry's cost competitiveness. The Government plans to set up a technology mission on technical textiles with an aim to attract investment into the sector. The Government has increased the plan allocation for textiles by 66. 27 per cent in 2007-08 over that of 2006-07, making it one of the only two ministries that have seen such a high level of increase in budgetary support. The Indian consumer desires to possess internationa l luxury brands as an inspirational product. Additionally, no Indian retail brand actually qualifies to be categorised as a luxury brand. This readiness for luxury as an organised market, has been recognised throughout the world and international luxury brands are exploring possible avenues and tie-ups to enter the Indian retail market. Indian apparel companies have realised the huge potential of partnering with these global luxury brands wishing to enter India. This helps them not only to extend their portfolio into the luxury, super premium, premium segments, but also makes them probable sourcing partners for these brands in India as well as internationally. Vice versa, luxury brands gain access to well established distribution channels and customer base.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Is Airport Security Too Strict or Not Strict Enough Essay

Is Airport Security Too Strict or Not Strict Enough - Essay Example In addition, one should pose to think if the security measures have benefits to the security of the American nation. Some people may feel that the measures invade too much into their privacy. However, it is worth noting that the intentions of the check are to ensure security of the traveler (Samantha). Most people think about the discomfort the check causes and forget that it is for their own good. In an era when the nation has been trying to respond to the war waged against them, security has to be more stringent. The attacker may take advantage of any loophole in the security system. Screening of passengers seeks to ensure that none of them has in possession any firearm or potentially destructive material. One of the check equipment is the metal detector that screens through the individual and produces a beep signal upon detection of a suspicious object. All personal luggage and cargo go through an x-ray screening system that screens through the bulk of the luggage. These measures did exist even before the attacks but they have only become more specific and elaborate. In addition, this is an era when some drug dealers have become too smart to disguise their illegal luggage. The security system has to tighten up to keep the situation under control. One of the reasons why the business has been booming is because in some areas of the world, security is not tight enough and drugs go in and out easily. To curb this, homeland security is justified to tighten security. It is evident that tight security is essential in airports for the safety of passengers and the nation at large. Probably, people should not complain about the stringency with which security comes but rather the real debate should seek to establish quicker and less cumbersome security equipment. What most Americans are complaining about is the hustling and queuing at the airports. This brings out the issue that security equipment used lack efficiency and is time consuming. In other cases, invasion of privacy is unavoidable because the equipment cannot screen effectively without this. What America needs are advanced equipment for security checks that are more efficient and time-saving and that allow the security officers to respect the privacy of the people. The transportation security administration

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bell vs. May Dep's Stores Co., 6 S..W.3d 871 (MO. 1999) Essay

Bell vs. May Dep's Stores Co., 6 S..W.3d 871 (MO. 1999) - Essay Example Consequently, in his correspondence with the store, Bell informed the store about the defect in the fan and conveyed to them his intention to not to pay for the fan. The store responded to the grievance by informing to Bell their intention of replacing the defective fan, however, in actuality they never did so. Moreover, in the subsequent credit card statements Bell continued to receive past due notices, late fee and finance charges. Eventually the store intimated to Bell its intention of forwarding a negative report to the credit agencies. Yet, later on both parties agreed on a settlement agreement as per which the store promised to Bell that they will delete all the negative reports from Bell’s history. However, it was not to be so. The store relied on a computerized billing system that automatically generated dunning notices and billing statements and forwarded the negative reports to the credit agencies. In 1994, Bell submitted an application to the European American Bank (EAB), for soliciting a TWA credit card. However, Bell’s application for availing a TWA credit card was rejected because of the negative reports sent by the store to the credit agencies. ... So, later on Bell sued the store, alleging that the store intentionally meddled with Bell’s credit expectancy by extending faulty and wrongful information pertaining to Bell’s credit history to the credit rating agencies, among other claims. 3. The issue that The Supreme Court of Missouri was required to decide upon was as to whether credit expectancy of a person or an organization constitutes an element of the law pertaining to intentional interference with business expectancy. The issue before the court was to decide as to whether interference with valid credit expectancy amounted to intentional interference with business expectancy. The court was also required to envisage the test or criteria that established the charge of interference with business expectancy in this case. 4. In the case under consideration, the court held that to ascertain valid credit expectancy, only the establishment of a ‘valid’ or ‘reasonable ‘hope’ tended to be a sufficient criteria or test. The respondent in this case argued that to establish the possibility of credit expectancy on the part of the applicant, it was necessary that one had a pending credit application. However the court set aside this line of argument. The court ruled that the respondent had genuinely resorted to a tortuous interference with the applicant’s credit expectancy and the applicant was liable to claim the commensurate damages. 5. In this case The Supreme Court of Missouri reasoned that ‘expectancy’ is something that is hoped for or expected. It is not a must that to ascertain valid credit expectancy, one needs to have a contract or application in place. The mere expectation or possibility of getting credit establishes that the intended expectancy

Saturday, July 27, 2019

515 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

515 - Essay Example Considering one success application among all are the intelligent decision support systems. Advanced forms of decision support systems can be fore fronted by a user-friendly layout. Slight intelligent modifications in a set of possible answer values enables smart end results that are in accordance with the output expected by the user interacting with the system. These systems are often self adaptive in nature and learn from every word the user types. Being futuristic machines their evolution involves the embedding of input data from the user’s conversation into their own repository of answers, learning from each interaction they make. It is potentially not possible for human business personnel to remain online twenty four hours a day for the query justification of their customers. The customer may be present in any part of the world. Thus, the best usage of chatbots is in call centers. quotes as follows: â€Å"It provides information, services and assistance about web pages, and supports a wide range of applications in business, education, government, healthcare, and entertainment. Sometimes the term Virtual Assistant is also used in assistance of employees of an organization instead of external audiences.† (, n.d.) Chatbox based interactive question answering systems having become an essential part of businesses today. Since voice enabled chatbots (interactive systems that have chat box technology embedded in them) are becoming increasingly common the Economist is quoted to have mentioned the benefits of their installation as follows: "Speech recognition: At long last, speech is becoming an important interface between man and machine. In the process, it is helping to slash costs in business, create new services on the Internet, and make cars a lot safer and easier to drive." Human Realization of interaction with a Virtual Representative automatically reduced any

Friday, July 26, 2019

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 23

History - Assignment Example Arguably, the most divisive political issue in American history has been slavery; understanding its evolution over time is key in helping to explain a significant portion of our nation’s past. Trace the path of slavery from its origins in early European colonization of North and South America to the time of the Constitutional Convention. How did the practice of African slavery begin? How and why did it expand in the 13 English colonies of North America? Finally, how was the issue of slavery impacted by the American Revolution? Slavery in Africa has existed even before the Arabian and the Atlantic slave trade. Owning of slaves is part of their culture and it was boosted by the Roman siege and influenced by Islam and other introduced as well as native religions (Lovejoy, 2012). But the start of African slavery in the American colonies is pegged at 1619, when the 1st African slaves docked in Virginia (Berlin, 2003). From Virginia, the practice of slavery spread to all 13English Colonies in North America. The slaves were used as laborers in cotton, sugar, and other plantations, household help, as well as skilled workers in the craft of carpentry, and welding among others. It was also a status symbol promoted by the government so as to quell the disparity of rich, land-owning Whites against the poor, land-less Whites. This move strengthened the foundation for racial slavery and racism (Wood, 2005). The American Revolution started the transformation in the attitudes of the colonial Whites towards slavery that w ill eventually lead in the abolition of slavery in January 01, 1863, with President Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation. The newly freed â€Å"Americans† set freedom as one of its country’s undeniable virtues and with that, slavery must be put to an end. The presidential proclamation against slavery became the key to abolishing African slavery yet a considerable amount of time still passed between the enactment of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Left-hemisphere CVA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Left-hemisphere CVA - Case Study Example The effects of the left side of the body may reflect or show damage to other organs of the body including weakening the muscles on the left side (Jacques 01). These effects may lead to a weakening of the mouth and the tongue thereby affecting the victim’s speech. The slurred speech is often referred to dysarthria that might sometimes be caused by decreased coordination in the oral motor muscles. The Kingsville Mayor Sam Fugate is a senior political figure who is ever fighting for the awareness of stroke. Kingsville Mayor Sam Fugate is a member of Christus Spohn Health System for monitoring the stroke campaigns (Staff report 01). Sam Fugate is the mayor of Kingsville. Much has not been written about Fugate to reflect his biography. However, he is married to one wife to whom they have one son. Unfortunately, his graduate wife had died, but before her death, she contributed much to Fugate’s development and political career (Office of Alumni and Development 01). The CVA that occurs on the left side of the brain often affects the right side of the body leading to the right side paralysis, hemiparesis (weakness), language impairment, forgetfulness, and slow and cautious demeanor. A person can be diagnosed to examine  the side of the brain that the stroke has occurred. Such a person must be assessed for weakness in the extremities and bilaterally or both sides of the body including the face (Strokes 26). Thus, if the stroke occurs in the left hemisphere, the person should be diagnosed or checked for weakness, numbness, paralysis, and tingling on the right side of the body. Additionally, for left side CVA, the victim should be further examined for Blindness in the right eye, Irritability, headache, and Decreased the level of consciousness (Strokes 221). The stroke that affected the old man changed his behavior; thus, made him say nonsensical words as well as answering questions in the  form of yes/no. Following the stroke, the old man suffered depression and emotional change.

Interest Levels of Boys Reading at Primary School Essay

Interest Levels of Boys Reading at Primary School - Essay Example Most children entering Key Stage 2 are not certain about their reading processes. Some of these children require specialist assistance and they still require all the experiences offered to the Key Stage 1 children. Other children make a considerable beginning with reading but in the process, they are not able to comprehend majority of the words they are reading in the books with any fluency or speed. They frequently regard themselves as poor readers and they get little pleasure from what they read. These types of children require texts they can manage accurately and those that offer them maximum satisfying experience (Bentley 1999, p93). Data from Lancashire County Council indicates that pupils underperform in reading by; (a) the failure to evaluate the author’s methods in offering an impact on the audience, (b) being not capable of citing evidence for their own opinion from the text and, (c) being not able to draw basic conclusions concerning a character or a situation. Boys fail to perform in reading because they find it difficult to engage with un-macho texts, for instance, they dismiss all female characters as ridiculous (Martin and Waters 1999, p159). It is suggested that in the western societies, the media particularly the television is replacing reading as the main interest of young people. The loss of interest in reading is very worse especially among the boys. The situation has been worsened by the arrival of the Internet and computer games (Goodwyn 2002, p48). It has been argued that â€Å"sex is the major factor in studies of children as readers, being more strongly linked than either social class or ability and attainment with how much children read† (Lockwood and Lockwood 2008, p101). There are many differences on what boys read, how well they read, the much they read, what they discuss in their reading and their performance in certain reading assessments. Researchers have also identified certain elements of English as a subject that tend to alienate boys. The boys are at a disadvantage when emphasis is put on reading narrative fiction specifically realist fiction that deal with daily interpersonal relationships. Outside school, the boys reading interests tend to change when they get older; their interest is more on fantasy than realism and they are engaged more in non-fiction genres than girls. Research shows that boys enjoy non-fiction materials than girls (72 percent of boys as opposed to 57 percent of girls) (Lockwood and Loc kwood 2008, p101). According to the research, the preference for individual responses by the English subject teachers to fiction reading severely disadvantages the boys. This is because the boys are very reluctant to express their emotional engagement with

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

HBS case write up Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HBS write up - Case Study Example Technological complexity and the expensive nature of licensing in most of the countries serve as a barrier to companies entering the market. Due to these factors, the threat of entry of new firms is minimal for marine harvest (Salmon farming industry handbook, 2014). Substitute products may limit the potential of an established company to create price ceilings. To tackle this problem, the company should be able to differentiate its product or upgrade in some way. A product with many substitutes is susceptible to loss in demand it prices for the products increased due to high elasticity. There is a definite trend in farmed salmon production that indicates an increase in demand for salmon among consumers. Marine Harvest products differ from other protein sources in terms of healthy ingredients and high omega three content. The threat from substitute products is also low because of the efficiency of salmon production. The food per kilogram used in salmon production is small making it more productive than pork, beef, poultry, and bacon (David and Ryan, 2014). In the analysis of substitutes, wild catch of fish is considered. Marine Harvest is not facing competition from wild catch sine most salmon consumers are showing a preference for farmed products. Customers are expressing concern parasites in salmon harvested from the wild. Therefore, the threat of the substitute is considered medium (Salmon farming industry handbook, 2014). Customers that have a high bargaining power are a threat to the profitability of the company they can demand higher quality and even force down the price of salmon. A greater number of customers gives a significant advantage to marine harvest company. So far, the company has established itself creating a large customer base for its products. Marine Harvest distributes its sales to the various regions as shown in the diagram. The distribution channels make it possible

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Obesity in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obesity in America - Essay Example â€Å"Two out of every three adults are either overweight or obese.† (Obesity in America) Two out of three adults, this is spreading at a very alarming pace and something concrete should be done about this. We put on weight when we consume more calories than we burn, eating anything and everything is fine as long as we are able to burn it but the problem starts when one begins to put on weight, the desire to flex muscles drastically reduce when one starts putting on weight, the person’s stamina takes a toll and he starts feeling lazy, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a plethora of problems which come with obesity; the biggest of them all is overspending. Obese people are prone to spending; they indulge in unwanted fantasies which are both expensive and unhealthy. For instance, a person who loves eating chocolate cakes would never get enough of it and would definitely eat as many as plausible even after knowing the fact that he is obese, this is where self-control comes into play but obese people have no self control which is why they turn obese. Some people may have genetic problem and may be excluded but most others have very little or no self control overall. â€Å"If Americans have such a large problem with their weight, why don’t they do something about it? They are trying. There is much money being spent on obesity in America. Market research firm, Market data, found that Americans spent 59 billion dollars on weight loss in 2008. All of that money spent and only 2 percent of the people who actually lose weight will be able to keep the weight off longer than 5 years.† (Weight Loss Attempts) Weight loss pills are nothing but eyewash, the biggest problem is not being able to stay fit, running thirty minutes a day is more than good enough to be fit. There is another problem, some obese people do get lucky, they shed a little bit of weight by

Monday, July 22, 2019

Employee Portfolio Motivation Action Plan Essay Example for Free

Employee Portfolio Motivation Action Plan Essay Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees, based on their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would leverage their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies. Team MemberPerformance RatingSummary of AssessmentsMotivational Strategy and Action PlanRelevant Theory Edward JonesEven though theres some concern the applicant requires to care for, he is suitable for the employment The worker has got a greater employment satisfaction and he is fairly prepared. His good points are shown by confidence, hard work abilities, and greater mental cleverness. But, he isnt able to correctly acknowledge criticism and might get subjective in job-related issues. Due to his enhanced employment satisfaction and confidence, Edward Jones might not be challenging to be inspired. To do this the organization requires to make him maintain his greater employment satisfaction and confidence the organization will ensure that hes provided proper power into doing his work in order that the workers feel the authority and association to the organization. The inspiration hypothesis related to this case is McClellands hypothesis of requirements stating that authority, accomplishment, and association are essential requirements which help explain inspiration. Michael Ciross Michael Ciross is an excellent applicant for his employment.The exams demonstrate that this worker has a normal employment pleasure meaning that hes neither enthusiastic nor unhappy regarding his employment. The main good points of Michael are indigenous cleverness, fairly planned, and greater mental cleverness. On the contrary, the main weak points are lack of attention and probability of getting subjective. The truth that the worker lacks attention while doing his work implies that he doesnt have a great curiosity on getting this done and he most probably does it for the very fact that its a usual element of his survival. Due to his lack of attention he may not be inspired into doing the perfect on his employment. A usual employment pleasure shows the truth that the worker might not desire to accomplish better performances. The most suitable hypothesis in this situation is the expectancy hypothesis which will indicate the worker in case he acts in a particular better way he will just need to gain from the situation.The  expectancy hypothesis will attempt to show the worker that in case he does his work better, payment and satisfaction will most probably increase. He might be capable to be promoted. Respect and self-actualization are the need which must be focused in following the hypothesis. Jeffrey Blake Jeffrey might not be the ideal applicant for his employment. But, it doesnt mean that he can improve. Jeffrey Blake has got a reduced pleasure, requires a great deal of time to finish jobs and there are greater possibilities for subjectivity while doing his work. On the contrary a few of his good points are that he has a tendency to put emphasize on details and that he shows a more mixed style of making decisions. There are many methods of enhancing the pleasure of this worker that is the 1st step in to enhancing the inspiration. The most related inspiration hypothesis to this scenario is Theory X and in order to enhance Jeffreys inspiration the organization must decide what makes him have discontentment for his employment, take steps to get rid of this element, enhance the payment, and influence Jeffrey into enhancing output and performance.Hypothesis X, as Robbins and Judge (2011) consider, says that workers dont like job and they must be directed or even forced into performing it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Creation and Innovation in Entrepreneurial Venture

Creation and Innovation in Entrepreneurial Venture Introduction In relation to the Inspiring Futures project, entrepreneurship is about creative or innovative thinking and taking appropriate action that can enhance such innovative thoughts. However, prior to taking such an action, there is a need for a plan to ensure that an entrepreneurial idea transforms, for instance, into a viable and successful project or business ventures (Watson, 2013). In this sense, an effective and efficient implementation of a project or business venture entails the consideration of a number of factors. Among such factors, are, for example, acquiring necessary skills needed for the project or business venture and developing an understanding of the key stakeholders in the project (Ives, 2005). Additional factors that may need consideration in the successful implementation of the Inspiring Futures Project include the need to work with a good management team (Cleland Gareis, 2006). To this end, this essay focuses on project management and teamwork and how learning from t hese two topics has been used in the Inspiring Futures Project that I did. Project and stakeholder management In any given project, there is a need for the project managers to establish a proper plan that can lead to the successful completion of the project. In this regard, some of the success factors that project managers need to embrace include: effective communication processes, emphasis the projects mission, develop schedules and plans, setting objectives, ensuring stakeholder satisfaction and ensuring they have support from the top management respectively (Davis, 2014). On the same note, in any given project, stakeholder management is critical for successful completion. In this sense, it is important for the project manager to focus on engaging the right people to ensure the project is not hampered as a result of conflicting interests between the management and key stakeholders of the project (Muller Turner, 2007). On another note, when undertaking a given project, it is important for the project manager to possess certain skills necessary to achieve success with the project at hand (Kerzner, 2004). Such skills may involve, for example, communication, leadership, team management, negotiation, personal organisation and risk management respectively (Mir Pinnington, 2014). Leadership, on the other hand, is a necessity to ensure project managers are better placed to not only lead other workers at the project site, but also manage them in an effective and efficient manner (Turner Muller, 2005). With regard to team management, it is important for project managers to focus their attention on promoting teamwork as a strategy to ensure operations at the project site are not hampered (David, 2005). As such, it is important for the project managers to develop a working environment where teamwork is emphasised rather than individualism that may derail the completion of various projects on time (Aaltonen Kujala, 2016). As observed by Aaltonen and Kujala ( 2016), traditional project management denotes a focus on project requirements that are identified in the initial stage of the project. Subsequently, these requirements are then divided into manageable tasks. At this point the project managers are expected to develop a detailed plan for each task as a strategy to ensure the project goals are achieved in an efficient manner and risks related to the project kept lower. However, this view of project transformation has contributed to project failures in different sectors. As such, Aaltonen and Kujala (2016) reiterate the need to shift to agile project management techniques where project requirements are expected to emerge and drive the project rather than using the project plan, which in most cases may lead to pre-misunderstood outcomes. To this end, value needs to be achieved by project end rather than a focus on defining them at the beginning of the project. Teamwork, managing people and the working environment In order for entrepreneurs to succeed in their business ventures, they need to work with an effective and efficient management team. In essence, some of the benefits associated with teamwork include enhancing creativity and learning. When people work together, they share a wide range of ideas that often contributes to the best alternative action. Further, teamwork also helps employees to improve and blend their talents in a complementary manner. Teamwork also contributes to workers trusting one another, which in turn, contributes to a collaborative process between the top management and subordinates respectively (Kerzner, 2013). Further, teamwork contributes to the development of conflict resolution skills, which are necessary to ensure the progress of a business venture or project not deterred as a result of conflicts. Through an emphasis on teamwork, employees often develop a sense of ownership because the top management recognises their contributions. Teamwork further contributes to healthy risk taking as it encourages members to think beyond in terms of exploring ideas and implementing them with the hope that they can contribute to positive results with the intended goals of the business or project at hand (Meredith Mantel, 2012). On another note, compared to starting a business as a sole entrepreneur, a start-up that involves partnership more than often is better placed to succeed in the marketplace. This is because; they are likely to share their skills and resources to survive in the marketplace. Conversely, a solo entrepreneur may face numerous challenges trying to survive in todays competitive and constantly changing marketplace. According to Ives (2005), a focus on teamwork theory can play a role in developing an efficient and effective team to achieve the intended goals of the project. In this regard, it is important for the project managers to be conversant with the stages of group development. On the other end of the spectrum, teamwork can encourage groupthink, which may lead to half-baked decisions due to greater emphasis on a collaborative process within the group. In this sense, while entrepreneurs shift their focus on teamwork, there is still a need to ensure that individual views are not overlook ed as a way to strengthen group cohesion (Park, 1990). With regard to managing people, there are various leadership styles that entrepreneurs can embrace to not only enhance employee involvement but also achieve success with their intended goals (Eskerod, Hueamann Savage, 2015). For instance, a leadership style considered to reinforce teamwork is transformational leadership. This leadership style denotes the leader working with his or her followers to achieve the intended goals of the business. The working environment, on the other hand, needs to be conducive in terms of encouraging employee involvement rather than demoralise employees, who may in turn, exhibit poor performance, and in extreme cases, leave for better opportunities elsewhere (Maak Pless, 2006). Using the learning in the Inspiring Futures Project I did The Inspiring Futures Project I did involved how to improve social media platforms for Clever Students Lets. Implementing a project is a challenging process, and understanding the skills necessary to achieve a successful project completion is important. As such, the learning from the topic of project and stakeholder management played a role in ensuring that needs assessment is conducted prior to deciding on the best alternative for improving the social media platforms for Clever Students Lets. In order to understand the presenting needs related to the use of social media platforms for Clever Students Lets we used questionnaires to obtain primary data from participants. Conversely, we obtained secondary data from related literature on how to improve social media platforms for a service such as Clever Students Lets. As a result, the needs assessment we conducted relied on both primary and secondary data that ensured we selected the most suitable alternative to improve the social media platforms for Clever Students Lets (Aaltonen Kujala, 2016). The learning on managing people, on the other hand, and with regard to the Futures Project assisted in the sense that we were better placed to learn about effective leadership and its importance in completing the successful completion of the project (Turner Muller, 2005). Factors we considered, and informed by the learning from the topic of managing people involved understanding our strengths and weaknesses to ensure the decisions we made regarding the project involved a collaborative process. Some of the skills we embraced included, for instance, accommodating the views of each member in terms of deciding on the most suitable course of action to improve social media platforms for Clever Students Lets (Project Management Institute, 2013). Further, through an understanding of the skills associated with the planning and implementation of a given project derived from the two topics, the group and I were better placed to consider all the success factors that would ensure the Clever Stud ents Lets become a success. Some of the success factors that we considered for the Inspiring Futures Project included: proper planning and teamwork, effective management of the presenting risks, and successful project completion (Matta Ashkenas, 2003). With regard to the best improvement for the social media platforms used by Clever Students Lets, an emphasis on teamwork as informed from the learning was necessary to brainstorm the most suitable action to take. Such a focus contributed to the collaborative decision to settle on snapshot account as ideal for Clever Students Lets. The process involved weighing a number of options by relying of the contribution of each member in the group on the benefits and risks of the available course of action that would improve the social media platforms for Clever Student Lets. Conversely, in ensuring that the project succeeded, the group also focused attention on embracing effective leadership with participants involved in the project. For instance, to encourage the active participation from group members we emphasised a hands on approach where we worked closely with each other to ensure the project becomes a success in terms of improving the social media platforms used by Clever Students Lets (Northouse, 2004). Further, in order to create a positive work environment, the group deliberated on trusting one another, set achievable goals for the project, carried out regular meetings and shared information and knowledge respectively (Whetten Cameron, 2011). Conclusion The success of an entrepreneurial venture entails focus on creative or innovation thoughts to ensure the initiatives or plans that entrepreneurs introduce in the marketplace become a success. In essence, implementing such creative thoughts is largely dependent on a number of factors that have an influence on the business or project progress. For example, effective and efficient management of a project depends largely on the skills and experience of the project manager. In this sense, the skills and experience of the project manager often influences the success factors they embrace for various projects. References Aaltonen, K., Kujala, J., 2016. Towards an improved understanding of project stakeholder landscapes. Journal of Project Management, 34(8), p. 1537-1552. Cleland, D.,ÂÂ   Gareis, R. ,2006. Global project management handbook (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Print. David, F., 2005. Strategic management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Publishing. Davis, K., 2014. Different stakeholder groups and their perceptions of project success. International Journal of Project Management, 32, p.189-201. Eskerod, P., Huemann, M., Savage, G., 2015.Project stakeholder management: Past and Present. Project Management Journal, 46(6), p. 6-14. Ives, M., 2005. Identifying the contextual elements of project management within organizations and their impact on project success. Project Management Journal, 36(1), p. 37-50. Kerzner, H., 2004. Advanced project management: Best practices on implementation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Kerzner, H.,2013. Project Management: A Systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (11th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Maak, T. Pless, N.M., 2006. Responsible leadership: A relational approach. In Maak, T. Pless, N.M. (Eds.), Responsible leadership. New York, NY: Routledge. Matta, N. F., Ashkenas, R. N.,2003. Why good projects fail anyway. Harvard Business Review, 81(9), p.109-114. Meredith, J. R., Mantel, S. J., 2012. Project management: A managerial approach (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Mir, F.A., Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: Linking Project Management Performance and Project Success, International Journal of Project Management, 32, p. 202-217. Muller, R., Turner, R., 2007.The influence of project managers on project success criteria and project success by type of project. European Management Journal, 25 (4), p. 298-309. Muller, R., Turner, R., 2010.Leadership competency profiles of successful project managers. International Journal Project Management, 28, p. 437-448. Northouse, P. G. ,2004. Leadership: Theory and practice (3rd edn.). London, UK: Sage Publications. Park, W., 1990.A review of research on groupthink. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 3, p. 229-245. Project Management Institute, 2013. A Guide to the project management body of knowledge(5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Turner, J.R., Muller, R., 2005.The project managers leadership style as a success factor on projects: A review.Project Management Journal, 36 (2), p.49-61. Watson, T.J., 2013.Entrepreneurship in action: Bringing together the individual, organizational and institutional dimensions of entrepreneurial action. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 25(5), p. 404-422. Whetten, D. A. Cameron, K. S., 2011. Developing management skills. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Pearson.

Efficient Market Hypothesis and Behavioural Finance

Efficient Market Hypothesis and Behavioural Finance 1.1 Aim of Chapter This chapter aims to give an overview of the dissertation. To start with, general backgrounds concerning the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), behavioral finance and market anomalies are mentioned briefly in order to provide better understanding about the modern area of financial study. Then, two opposed concepts of investment strategies, Contrarian Strategies and Momentum Strategies, are addressed leading to the next section which mention the main purpose and summary of findings of this research. Lastly, the structure of the dissertation has been outlined at the end of the chapter. 1.2 Background of knowledge about efficient market hypothesis (EMH) The theory of market hypothesis (EMH) is one of the most crucial theories in standard finance that have been revised and tested over the past few decades to uncover its imperfection. This theory was introduced by Professor Eugene Fama in 1970. As defined in his article, the efficient market is the market where securities are priced, at any point of time, by accessible information. It is believed that the markets are extremely efficient that individual stocks and stock markets as a whole are fully reflected by all available information. When new information enters the market, stock prices incorporates the news and responds very quickly with our any delays; therefore security prices are the accurate source of data which can be used as signals in trading investment process. By examining the level of how relevant information reflects in security prices, Fama (1970) categorizes the market efficiency into three forms: weak, semi-strong and strong forms of EMH. However, this theory relies o n certain assumptions, for example, there is no transaction cost paid in trading securities and it is costless for all participants to gather information available in the markets. The weak form of EMH is the condition that exists when share prices are fully reflected by trading data such as past price (or return) histories. For that reason, investors cannot exploit mispriced securities and earn excess returns by using historical stock quotations or charts. Semi-strong form of EMH is the condition that exists when share prices incorporates market trading data and publicly available information. The examples of this type of information are announcements of annual earnings, stock splits, annual reports, analyst forecasts, etc. As a consequence, investors cannot exhibit gains by rely only on fundamental and macro-economics data. Strong form of EMH is the condition that exists when market prices of stocks adjusted according to every kind of accessible information. This includes hidden inside information which are known among specific group in the company (e.g. the top executives and group of operational managers) or some individuals that have monopolistic access to information (e.g. managements of mutual funds). Thus, abnormal profits cannot be generated by either using internal or external information of the company. In other words, both individual and professional investors cannot beat the market and earn excess returns in every way due to the perfect efficiency of the stock markets. As claimed by efficient market hypothesis, market will be efficient in weak form if the past and future returns are not correlated, in other words, they are independently and identically distributed. Thus this refers to the idea of the random walk model. However, Fama (1970) affirms in his literature that the test of random walk model leads to the evidence of weak-form EMH, but not vice versa. Burton (2003) identifies the definition of random walk in his paper that it is the state where the flow of information on specific day is incorporated in stock prices on that day only, not for the subsequent period. The news announced in the market is unpredictable, thus stock prices changes are displayed in a random pattern. As a consequence, uninformed investors are able to earn equal rate of returns as what achieved by professional investors if they long position in well-diversified portfolios. In his paper, Burton tries to examine the criticism of the efficient market hypothesis and the idea that stock prices can be predicted based on initial valuation parameters (e.g. price-earnings multiple or dividend yield). He uses time-series analyses of accounting numbers and multiples and comes up with the results revealing that the stocks market are efficient enough, but it is difficult to predict the share prices. Moreover, the findings also reveal that anomalous behavior of stock price s may exist, but investors cannot create portfolio trading opportunity and gains excess risk adjusted returns. Fama (1997) states in his study that there are many literatures concerning behavioral finance and market anomalies challenge the hypothesis of efficient market. The opposed idea suggests that stock prices slowly absorb information available, which can be denoted as the market inefficiency. 1.3 Behavioral Finance and Market Anomalies Behavioral finance is the new area of financial study concentrating on the psychology of market and its participants. This field of study has started to appear in many academic journals from 1990s. Shefrin (2002) publish a book regarding the behavioral finance trying to find and explain reason behind the behavior of investors, both professional and individual. The author suggests that investors, who are sometimes prone to commend mistakes and errors, tend to rely on their emotional and psychological forces, thus this causes many market anomalies, the state where there is inefficiency in stock markets, to take place. Two well-known papers of Berberis, Shleifer, and Vishny (1998) and Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subramanyam (1997) proposed behavioral models to explain the conflicting theory of efficient market hypothesis. They reject the previous belief with the proposition that the behavioral biases (i.e. judgment bias) of investors cause the anomalies and knock down the old theory behind. They present the concepts of over-reaction and under-reaction which accommodates the existence of long-term excess returns. Berberis, Shleifer, and Vishny (1996) create a model based on cognitive psychology of two judgment biases: the representativeness bias and conservatism. In their study, the empirical findings of investors’ behaviors are divided into two main groups: one perceives that earnings are mean-reverting. Thus, stock prices show a delayed short-term response and under-react to change in earnings. Another group believes that firms’ earnings are trending which leads to the overreaction in stock prices. The earnings follow the random walk process; hence, this leads to reversal of long-term returns. Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subramanyam (1997) have different views in conducting the behavioral models. They split the sample group of investors into two categories: informed and uninformed investors. They find that judgment biases are not found among the uninformed investors, but detected among the informed ones. Informed investors are the group of people that determine the stock prices. They are exposed to two kinds of behavioral biases: overconfidence and self-attribution biases. Overconfidence causes the overstatement in investors perception of their private stock prices signals, while self-attribution bias causes investors to underweight the public signals about the value of companies. Therefore, the circumstance of overreaction to private information and under-reaction to public information generates continuation of stock returns in the short run. Overreaction leads to the concept of contrarian investing, whereas underreaction induces the theory of momentum investing. 1.4 Investment Strategies 1.4.1 Contrarian Investing Contrarian investing is the strategy that aims to generate profits by investing in the direction that goes against the conventional investors. In normal condition, short-sighted investors, who overweight the recent trends of past stocks prices and use this information to predict future prices, engage in buying stocks with good performance in the past hoping that it will continue to perform well in the near future. However, contrarian investing focuses on the opposite direction. People who employ this strategy tend to buy the shares that others have given up on due to either their poor past performance or their miserable and unclear future prospect. They expect the market to react to the behavior of the crowd, so that they can exploit the mispricing of securities and earn abnormal returns. 1.4.2 Momentum Investing Momentum investing is the strategy that is the opposite of contrarian investing. People who employ this strategy seek for making profits by relying on the continuance of the past stock prices and trends in the market in an attempt to predict prospective prices in the future. It is believed that the good stocks with price increases and strong performance in the past will keep on outperforming and generate gains in the future, and vice versa for the poor stocks. Thus, momentum investing suggests investors to hold stocks that had high returns and sell those that had low returns (buy winners and sell losers). The detailed of these two investment strategies will be discussed in the next chapter which both strategies will be supported by existing empirical evidences from several renowned academic papers. 1.5 Purpose and Findings of the Research The purpose of this research is to examine the profitability of momentum strategies, which is one of the most debated investment strategies in financial study, in the UK stock market. This paper employs the prices and returns data of FTSE 100 composites – the top 100 biggest companies in London Stock Exchange – as a proxy of the whole UK stocks. The observation period lies between July 21, 2000 to July 21, 2010, which gives a total of 10 years period. Thus, the main contribution of this study is to comprehensively revise existing literatures and employ the more up-to-date the data set with the well-known procedure to test the existence of momentum investing and its profitability in the UK market. However, the findings reveal no evidence of momentum profitability in the observed time for UK stock market, which are inconsistent with the prior research conducted using the different sample periods. 1.6 Structure of the Dissertation The rest of the dissertation is organized as follows: Chapter two comments on the review of the literature regarding the momentum strategies and its criticism, including the opposed theory of contrarian investing. Academic papers concerning the momentum strategies are divided into categories regarding the region of data employed. We carefully asserted and analyzed each paper to find the gaps which are necessary to be concerned for further researches in the future. Then, chapter three gives an overview of data and methodology used in this research. Chapter four shows the summary statistics of data, empirical results and interpretations. Finally, last chapter provides a summary of the results, as well as the limitations of the study.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sampling Methods Essays -- Statistics

Sampling is the framework on which any form of research is carried out. A suitable sample that meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a research design must be chosen from a given population to carry out studies. In this essay comparison is made between stratified random sampling and convenience sampling. The population on which the researcher is interested in carrying out his or her research may be too large, therefore a suitable sample which can represent the population in correct proportion must be chosen. Restraints such as limitation of time, resources and many other factors necessitate the selection of a sample for research purpose so that better quality data is obtained from it and that the researcher can make statement about the population he or she is interested in (French,S et al.,2001,).The method of sampling should be cost effective, less time consuming and be simple in design to attract participants but care should be taken that accurate and valid data can be col lected. The sample on which the study is actually done is derived from the population which is accessible to the researcher; the study sample may include all of the accessible population or a fraction of it and this accessible population is a part of the target population. The target population is the collection of cases to which generalization can be made and on which the researcher is ultimately interested in (Sim,J and Wright,C. 2000). Hence the entire process of collection of samples for the indented study can be termed as sampling. Sampling is broadly divided into probability sampling; in which the selection of samples are done at random and non- probability sampling; where selection of samples is entirely dependent on the researcher’s choice and ... ...ana, M., (1997). Research for the health professional: A practical guide. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Bowling, A., (2001). Research methods in health: Investigating health and health services. 2nd ed. Berkshire: Open University press. Buddhakulsomsiri, J. Parthanadee, P.,(2008).Stratified random sampling for estimating billing accuracy in health care system. Health care management science, vol.11 (1), pp.41-54. Available through:medline(accessed 25 0ct 2010). French, S. Reynolds, F. Swain, J., (2001). Practical research: A guide for therapist. 2nd ed. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Portney, L, G. Watkins, M, P.,( 2009). Foundation of clinical research: Application to practice. 3rd ed. Upper saddle River, N.J: Pearson prentice hall. Sim, j. Wright, C.,( 2000). Research in health care: Concepts, Design and Methods. Cheltenham: Stanley thrones (publisher) Ltd.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Economics Today :: essays research papers

The Economics Today   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The opening bell on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange September 17, 2001 was a ring that no one was sure about. The Stock Exchange had not been open since the tragedies that occurred on September 11, and many were skeptical about how the market would fare on its first day of trading. We lost not only our stability of our nation the day the planes hit the World Trade Centers, but the stability of our economy as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dow Jones closed at 8,920.70 and suffered the worst point loss since December of 1998. Many other indexes dropped just as sharply after the opening bell and stayed down until the market closed for the day. The losses could have been far worse had the Federal Reserve not cut short-term federal funds interest rates from 3.5% to 3%. It was the Federal Reserves’ eighth interest cut this year and the third to occur between scheduled meetings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Major banks, such as the European Central Bank and central banks in Canada and Switzerland also cut key interest rates in what was seen as a coordinated effort to restrict the financial damage of the terrorist tragedies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, despite government efforts, the market losses were still great. Major financial companies lost ground as well. Bank of America Corp.’s stock dropped by 5.72%. Citigroup lost 6.71%. Broader indexes’ losses were slightly lower. The Wilshire 5000 lost 513.31 points, or 5.08%, closing at 9,590.69.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hit hardest were the airlines. Analysts predict that the airline industry, already weakened by the slowing economy, could lose more than $10 billion in the wake of that week’s terrorists attacks. Delta Airlines plans to cut 80% of its flights. Continental Airlines officials said in a statement they have seen a â€Å"drastic drop in bookings in an already-declining economy†. Since the FAA allowed flights to resume last Thursday, Continental has been running only about 50% of its flights, with an average of about half the seats full. Continental was also said to have $800 million in cash on hand, but that it was burning through it at a rate of $30 million a day to stay in business. Many companies have told their employees to avoid airlines in light of the recent tragedies, and without help from Congress or more people flying, Continental could go bankrupt by the end of October.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Last Friday, the House of Representatives introduced a bill that would provide $15 billion in direct aid, loans, and credit to the nation’s airlines. Economics Today :: essays research papers The Economics Today   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The opening bell on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange September 17, 2001 was a ring that no one was sure about. The Stock Exchange had not been open since the tragedies that occurred on September 11, and many were skeptical about how the market would fare on its first day of trading. We lost not only our stability of our nation the day the planes hit the World Trade Centers, but the stability of our economy as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dow Jones closed at 8,920.70 and suffered the worst point loss since December of 1998. Many other indexes dropped just as sharply after the opening bell and stayed down until the market closed for the day. The losses could have been far worse had the Federal Reserve not cut short-term federal funds interest rates from 3.5% to 3%. It was the Federal Reserves’ eighth interest cut this year and the third to occur between scheduled meetings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Major banks, such as the European Central Bank and central banks in Canada and Switzerland also cut key interest rates in what was seen as a coordinated effort to restrict the financial damage of the terrorist tragedies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, despite government efforts, the market losses were still great. Major financial companies lost ground as well. Bank of America Corp.’s stock dropped by 5.72%. Citigroup lost 6.71%. Broader indexes’ losses were slightly lower. The Wilshire 5000 lost 513.31 points, or 5.08%, closing at 9,590.69.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hit hardest were the airlines. Analysts predict that the airline industry, already weakened by the slowing economy, could lose more than $10 billion in the wake of that week’s terrorists attacks. Delta Airlines plans to cut 80% of its flights. Continental Airlines officials said in a statement they have seen a â€Å"drastic drop in bookings in an already-declining economy†. Since the FAA allowed flights to resume last Thursday, Continental has been running only about 50% of its flights, with an average of about half the seats full. Continental was also said to have $800 million in cash on hand, but that it was burning through it at a rate of $30 million a day to stay in business. Many companies have told their employees to avoid airlines in light of the recent tragedies, and without help from Congress or more people flying, Continental could go bankrupt by the end of October.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Last Friday, the House of Representatives introduced a bill that would provide $15 billion in direct aid, loans, and credit to the nation’s airlines.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Joe Paterno: He Is Penn State :: Essays Papers

Joe Paterno: He Is Penn State The college football world has gone mad. Conferences are doing battle in courtrooms instead of on the football field. Teams are leaving their conferences and throwing tradition and loyalty out the window for a bigger paycheck. The Bowl Championship Series was supposed to end the confusion in the college football post season. It was supposed to crown a true champion. Instead, the B.C.S. has only brought more light to the fact that in college football it is all about money and TV contracts. Teams that have no right going to a major bowl game go because of who they are and, more importantly, who their fans are and how much money the fans are will to spend. Players are failing classes, stealing, doing drugs, breaking almost every law imaginable, and they are still suiting up to play on Saturday. In this new age of college football, there is a man who is as old school as having goal posts right on the goal line. He is short in stature, but he is larger than life. He has given millions of dollars back to his university, and he has put his heart and his soul into molding young me. Joe Paterno has become an icon of college football. In these modern times, however, his morals and his coaching style seem outdated. Now, in the twilight of his career, he has to battle a grueling Big Ten schedule, the media who made him a legend and who are now looking to make him into a fool, and even his once loyal fans who have turned their backs on him. Joe Paterno has his back against the wall; it seems everything is working against him. He could walk away now and forever be remembered as a great football coach, or he can keep running out of that tunnel and work on putting Penn State football back on the map. He can take back the title that is rightfully his, the greatest college football coach of all time. Joe Paterno should remain in charge of the Penn State football program. Along the way, he deserves every Penn State fans support, win or lose. Joe Paterno has found a way to win in college football. More importantly, he has found a way to win and keep his morals and the morals of the University. Paterno could have retired two years ago, after he reached victory number 324.

Indian Textile Industry Essay

Indian textile industry – An overview textile industry in India is one of the hopeful divisions of Indian market. It supplies more than thirteen percent to trade production, 16. 63 percent to export revenues and four percent to the nation’s GDP. In the forth coming year, the industry is to make approximately twelve million career opportunities with a venture of US dollar six billion in the field of textile tools and structure, and garment manufacturing by the end of 2015. Union ministry of Textiles certified Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) has taken the reliability to motivate the overseas financiers to invest in Indian Textile industry by revealing it huge unknown domestic market. It has also prepared and authorized the motto of ‘reach the destination, spend, generate and trade in India. ‘ Under this perceptive, the ministry has made a decision to send some representatives to Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and US. The purpose is to activate the overseas venture towards textile entity in India by offering several grants to international financier like low cost employees and intellectual right fortification. The government of India has also agreed to the proposals to support the textile industry by approving hundred percent Foreign Direct Investment in the market. Owing to the uprights and instantly incorporated textiles cost sequence (price chain), the Indian textile industry signifies a tough subsistence in the total value chain from raw products to finished products. The Synthetic and Rayon Textile Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC) has taken every required steps to meet the target of doubling the synthetic textile export in India to US $6. 2 billion by grabbing four percent of market share by fiscal year 2011- 2012. Taking into consideration the persistent funds in the textile industry, the Govt. of India may possibly widen the Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) by the end of the 11th Five Year Plan- in the financial year of 2011- 2012 in order to protract the industry. Indian textile industry is extraordinarily providing to meet the targeted production of $ 85 billion in the year of 2011, intending exports of more than $ 50 billion which was in year 2010. There is massive progress foreseen in Indian textile exports from the $ 17 billion accomplished in the year of 2005 -2006 to $ 50 billion by the year of 2009-2010. The assessment for the exports in the current fiscal year is about $ 19billion. There is significant potential in India’s exports of technical textiles and home textiles, as most European businesses desire to set up facilities near- by the emerging markets, such as China and India. So, the future of Indian textile industry is very bright, as it has open up the market for international business people.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Examining class differences Essay

(a)Explain concisely what is meant by the term elaborated linguistic communication commandment . Elaborate speech code is usually associated with middle- split up, strong educated people. It uses a wide intermixture of vocabulary, is more context of use based, uses grammatically complex sentences, extends abstract ideas and is broadly speaking context-free.(b)Identify three policies that governments have introduced to compensate for literal and pagan disadvantage, apart from rearingal antecedence Areas. Compensatory education is a policy designed in order to fishing gear the chore of cultural expiration, by providing resources to communities as well as schools in deprived atomic number 18as. An precedent of a compensatory education programme is exercise leave of absence issue in the unite States, which is one of the best cognise examples of much(prenominal) programmes. Operation Head Start focuses on pre-school planned enrichment education in poorer areas, whi ch was introduced in the 1960s. Their aim was to develop clawrens cultivation skills and instil proceeding motivation. This included tasks much(prenominal) as setting up nursery classes, home visits by health visitors and educational psychologists, improving lifting skills and the creation of intensive eruditeness programmes for deprived pincerren.Sesame Street, the popular TV programme, was initially created as part of Head Start, in order to reach juvenility children and reflecting the values and attitudes infallible for educational advantage such as the importance of everyday experience, literacy and numeracy. In the UK, there have been several(prenominal) compensatory education programmes over the years, such as the Education Priority Areas that were created in the 1960s, Education Action Zones, which were introduced in the 1960s, and more recently, with the first appearance in 2000, comes Sure Start. Sure Start is a nationwide programme aimed at pre-school children as well as their parents.However, it in like manner has non-educational aims, such as improving childrens health. Sure Start was introduced by the British Government in order to tackle poverty and social exclusion. The centres available countenance integrated education, family support, support with parental employment, get by and health services. Sure Starts main aim is to work with parents to bear on the physical, intellectual, educational and social development of babies and issue children, particularly those who are disadvantaged.(c)Outline whatsoever of the ways in which material neediness may displace educational achievement. Material deprivation is a lack of resources and necessities needed to blend in a basic lifestyle, such as an adequate diet, housing, clothing, or in some cases, the money to be able to deal these things. Material deprivation net affect educational achievement as the lead of the lack of these necessities. Children in education ordain need fin ancial support from their parents/carers in order to pursue a qualified education however disadvantaged families cannot soften educational aids. As well as that, families living in poverty may have limited space in their home.This leads to overcrowding, which means there is nowhere for the child to study. Also, this could lead to illness, depending on the state and cleanliness of the house. For example, dampness can cause a variety of illnesses, which leads to absence at school, then, lessening the childs chance of a prospered education. Some parents may force their children to leave school early and pursue a career in order to try extra income for the family.(d)Using material from Item A (source) and elsewhere, assess the view that working class children under-achieve because they are culturally deprived. The idea that parturiency children will most likely under-achieve delinquent to a lack of culture, also known as cultural deprivation, refers to children lacking the norms, values, beliefs, skills and knowledge that a society would regard as important and necessary. The attributes that these children should know and learn are, in most cases, taught by their parents and are passed to the undermentioned generation through socialisation. All children are socialised differently, and the social class of the parent has a huge impact on the child and may affect their achievement in education.According to the cultural deprivation theory, some working-class parents fail to communicate and instil the appropriate norms, values, beliefs, skills and knowledge needed for educational success. However, there are some other factors that can determine how well a child does within education. For example, material deprivation, cultural capital and economic capital can also have an impact on how well some children will attain, therefore cultural deprivation is not the simply factor and may not be the most important reason to wherefore working-class children under-achi eve.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Human Brain and Philosophy

The Human Brain and Philosophy

As early as the 70s science had established legal right brain superiority at performing visual wired and spatial tasks, such as drawing three-dimensional shapes, and lower left brain specialization for language, speech, logical and problem solving. (Gazzaniga,1996). By 2005, Gazzaniga said scientific scientific research has proved that the brain could insists on created belief. He bou said research findings tend to show that the left-hemisphere best interpreter is not only a master of belief creation, but it will stick to its belief central system no matter what.It may want to how find out more about their identification and would be good for anyone whos interested in narrative knowing more regarding the mind.Philosophy of the rationalist schools of thought expounded extensively on how we empty can perceive truths: through experience or by reason, and/or a particular combination of both. (Empiricism, Rationalism, or a mix of chorus both thinking. ) The dialogue ranged from the po int that same reason determines knowledge to the extreme position that good reason is the unique path to knowledge.Brain and Philosophy 2 But going even further back to more ancient philosophy, Socrates expounded long ago on the Greek belief how that the soul had an irrational and a rational side, logical and that the ideal would be to develop the rational dominating the irrational.Its divided into sections.

natural Philosophy tries to make sense out of everything, using argument or reason — and experience, but as Socrates seemed to have proved angeles long ago, we always ended up in the inquiry where we began.Ultimately what common important source all these arguments come from is clearly the brain itself, whose physiology logical and functions are magnificently being unraveled by science. Ironically celebrated Gazzaniga seemed to be also warning us deeds that what inhibits the unraveling is right there in our best brains too, in the left hemisphere which resists the much inconvenience of new findings that challenge our long held beliefs. .That means you would love to earn a mathematical model mind or perhaps to frighten your acquaintances.Retrieved October 15, 2008 http://pegasus. cc. ucf. edu/~fle/gazzaniga.The muscles of expression let you demonstrate your emotions.

Retrieved October 15,2008 from http://www. press. uchicago. edu/Misc/Chicago/1932594019.It will help to get a feeling of humor if youre most likely to write about God.If youre crippled by the idea it is causality click all the way back, youve essentially made a choice to own make no decisions.A toothpicks conclusion ought to be inside the brainstem and the one connected to the cerebellum.

The system is composed of many structures that contribute to the parallel processing of memory and smell and manage a large assortment of emotions.Thus the idea is challenging.Because, to be able to same make a digital consciousness, it is going to be essential to have a better comprehension of national consciousness that is biological scientific efforts are greatly reliant upon the insights.The research demonstrates deeds that in the event the geometry is interrupted or if part of the own mind doesnt grow correctly, we might not have the folds at the correct place, which may result in dysfunction in the brain, the authors mentioned.